We designed the front and rear suspension of the VeeDub ReDub prototype around the Mk7 GTI front bearing hub. This is a relatively compact, bolt-on style bearing hub that will be easy for us to use and it will match the GTI axles.
The uprights, steering arms and mount plates were CNC machined out of 6061 aluminum plate.
The rear upright (shown below on the left) has an upper mount plate for the upper ball joint and a long lower mount plate for the lower ball joint and toe link. The front upright has mounts for upper and lower ball joints.

The front upright assembly also includes a steering arm for the steering rack tie rod end to attach to.

In the following photo of the assembled rear knuckles you'll see empty holes on both uprights. This is where the brake caliper will bolt up. We do not know which brakes the final version of the VeeDub ReDub will use but for the prototype, we are using a set of Cobalt brake calipers and rotors from our shelves.

In the next post we'll get these bolted on and see if we can get the platform down on its tires for the first time.